I was super excited when Diane reached out to me about their 10 year anniversary photo session. They have been married 10 years and wanted to recreate some of their wedding photos with a theme, "The next day, 10 years later" showing that through thick and thin, they are still so very much in love. Mike and Diane even wore their original wedding clothes, even their shoes! Mike used to be a florist...so he recreated Diane's bouquet for her as well.
My heart melted the entire time, you guys!
We had a blast checking out downtown Las Vegas. The roads were still closed because of the Life is Beautiful festival and we took full advantage of that amazing oppurtunity to roam the empty streets. We stopped for drinks at Atomic Liquors, checked out Ferguson's, more shots on the robot, and just had an amazing time. Turns out they don't live very far from my hometown and it was so nice to talk about home for a bit.
I am so thrilled these guys chose me as their photographer, I got to witness thier amazing relationship and help create some new memories. Here is to many many more happy years!
Hair and Makeup: https://www.atomicstylelounge.com
